JavaScript Interview Secrets Unleashed! πŸš€

JavaScript Interview Secrets Unleashed! πŸš€


2 min read

Web Wizards Assemble!


  • Web Wisdom: Basic knowledge of the web and programming.

  • Code Sorcery: Mastered HTML/CSS and wield the magic of JavaScript, especially ES6+ spells.

Table Of Contents πŸ“š

  1. JavaScript Basics πŸ‘Ά

    • Variables: Three magical ways to summon them: var, let, and const.
    let wizardPower = 42; // Const spells an unchanging power
  • Equality Enchantment: == vs ===. Beware! One cares about types.
    let a = 5;
    let b = '5';
    console.log(a == b); // true, but a === b is false!
  • Arrays Arsenal: Storing magical items in arrays.
    const spells = ['levitate', 'fireball', 'invisibility'];
  1. Functional Enchantment πŸ› οΈ

    • Scope Sorcery: Where wizards can see and cast spells.
    function magicCircle() {
       let wand = 'Phoenix Feather';
       console.log(wand); // Phoenix Feather
  • Closures Conundrum: Hidden magical realms.
    function enchantment() {
       let power = 'Cosmic';
       return () => console.log(`Power of ${power} unleashed!`);
  • Prototypal Inheritance Parade: Objects and their magical offspring.
    const dragon = {
       breatheFire() {
          console.log('Spewing fire!');
    const redDragon = Object.create(dragon);
  1. Asynchronous Chronicles ⚑

    • Event Loop Expedition: The mystical journey of JavaScript.
    setTimeout(() => {
       console.log('Time travel complete!');
    }, 2000);
  • Promises Prowess: Vows made and kept in the magical realm.
    const spellBook = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
       if (isWizard) {
          resolve('Magic Unleashed!');
       } else {
          reject('Spell Backfired!');
  1. Advanced Magic Concepts πŸ§™β€β™‚οΈ

    • Polyfills Potency: Filling in gaps for ancient browsers.
    Array.prototype.myMap = function (callback) {
       // Implementation of map for ancient browsers
  • Async and Defer Dazzle: Script loading strategies.
    <script src="magic.js" async></script>
    <script src="more_magic.js" defer></script>
  • Debouncing Delight: The art of patience in spellcasting.
    const spellSearch = debounce(searchSpell, 300);
    searchInput.addEventListener('keyup', spellSearch);
  1. Storage Sorcery πŸ’Ύ

    • localStorage Lumos: Preserving magical artifacts.
    localStorage.setItem('wand', 'Elder Wand');
    let myWand = localStorage.getItem('wand');

🎩 Wizard’s Caveat

  • This cheatsheet focuses on interview-worthy spells, not an exhaustive magical grimoire.